Tuesday, March 2, 2010


  Sister Prisca, Lillian and Eunice had prayed fervently. They made it a point of duty to attend every prayer meeting, seminar, workshop and symposium that had to do with bachelorhood and spinsterhood. They also kept themselves holy unto the Lord, without defiling the “temple of the Lord”. They were so chaste without messing up or opening their bodies to men, except if it were in the arena of marriage.
  Three useful years had rolled by since they devoted apostolically to this mode of pursuit and yet no dice. No husband at sight, except flatterers who came around with incomprehensible gimmicks.
   A lot of women I spoke to confirmed this thing we refer to as “marital timing” in a woman’s life. That is, there is usually a time when men hovers around a woman, most of them itching to establish a good relationship so much so that the woman becomes confuse.
  Then as they keep coming, after a while they will stop coming. This is compared to a raining season when rain falls and falls, if you really have any need of water that is the time to dig under-ground reservoir and store up your water because afterwards the rain stops.
  As I went around, I also came across interesting examples like this one. A certain lady named Jessica told me about a time when seven men were coming after her. At times some of them would meet one another and each would buy drinks to entertain the other thinking that the one he met was a mere visitor not knowing that he is a paddy man coming to seek a wife out of the same Jessica. She was in a state of dilemma and did not know who to choose. Of course, at the end of the day, Jessica ended up pregnant for one married guy who used to be her friend just before she went to University. This came after the whole of these seven men who were chasing her got tired and left! Now time seemed to have passed for Jessica.
  Before I give you more examples, let us bring home our point here that there is a time when marriage is on for you. There is also a time when suddenly marriage seems to be off for you. It seems as if heaven is locked now against you.
  It is just like some women who are so fertile that they easily become pregnant at every turn of the body, all of a sudden, when they need it they discovered that it does not happen as expected.
This is a mystery, but what we can deduce from this is that for every woman there is a natural time to get married. That natural time is when the would-be husbands keep coming by their numbers. Perhaps, you should settle this marriage matter by then. For different people it comes at different times and stages in life and after that the light could be out sometimes permanently except there is a divine intervention.
  Therefore, to get your desired husband you need to observe your “marital timing” and once it comes knocking utilize that opportunity judiciously. Why would you leave grabbing something when it is surplus before you than to cry wolf when it elapse.
  Shakespeare, in Julius Caesar, said “There is a tide in the affairs of men which is taken at the flood, beads on to fortune, (but) omitted; all the voyage of their life is bound in miseries and in sorrows…” The Bible says, “To everything there is a season…” (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8). The mystery of “marital timing”, a term which simply refers to the fact that there is a time and a season when suitors (would-be husband) flow around any girl/lady and after that time, there seems to be silence is very real. The fact that most girls/ladies do not observe and dip in while this flow is on coupled with other points mentioned in this write-up form the major reasons why most women cannot get their desired husbands.
Ask any of the 90% girls today crying for a husband and she would tell you that there had been at least two or three men that came to say, “I want to marry you” But …what happened?
   If only you realize, fine girl, fine lady that you were created by God and that this same God has designed at your creation times and seasons for your life, and that this same God of purpose has designed the kinds/ types of persons who will come across you to help bring to pass the reason He created you, then you will realize that it is for you to face marriage when the “marital timing” is on for you, just when men keep on coming and flowing. If you say you would not marry yet because you are just 22, do you know whether God purposed that you will live for only 44 years? Think about that!


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